
Tracy Lawrence

The Call to Build (Again)

Published about 2 months ago • 2 min read

I realize this newsletter has changed alongside my journey of change. Thanks for being here with me as I figure out what’s next. I value you not as a subscriber but as a co-conspirator in whatever my next evolution is ❤️

For the last 4 years since I sold my company, I’ve tried to kill my ambition (I get weird looks when I say this out loud, so I figure it’s worth writing about).

I tried to kill it because my ambition nearly killed me. In my desire to make an impact, I gave so much of my life-force away. I worked myself to the bone, drove up my anxiety, and lost primetime years I could’ve spent building a family to building a company.

I wanted that ambitious desire to end. I thought moving to Hawaii would do the trick.

But instead of dying, the ambition moved the shadows, waiting for me to regain my strength and energy.

Until it finally dawned on me last week. I began to question where the heck I got my ambitious mindset from. My parents had a strong work ethic but they didn’t necessarily strive to lead like I do.

My ambition isn’t just about ego (I’m sure that’s a factor). I was born with the notion that I could do something big with my life. And I feel blessed with a set of leadership skills that I’ve been honing ever since I started a political society in high school. Then I trained speaking skills as captain of the Speech and Debate team in high school. Then I went deeper in business class in undergrad.

I’m trained to lead.

It’s also not lost on me that I was born into an Asian, female body in the United States in 2024. During a time when maybe others might resonate with a message coming from someone with my heritage and experiences.

I’ve decided to stop my murderous rampage of my ambition. I recognize it’s a part of me I have to honor.

But I’m letting go of the idea that it needs to take the form of being a venture-backed CEO.

Attending the Female Founder Retreat had an enormous impact on seeing where my ambition could be of service. I saw how my founder community who has built companies for the last decade is now in the place of offering help. We are, in a way, the village elders.

My friend Mada Seghete, who was the originator of the Female Founder Retreat, talks at length about how our community of female founders gave her the inspiration to embark on her next founder journey – but this time as CEO.

My community I’ve been a part of is called the Feministas. And I drew incredible strength from how vulnerable these women are. I could call them the midnight before a layoff when I was panicking. I could count on them to have empathy, and in just the right way, to also offer sage advice and wisdom.

Coaching has showed me that many founders don’t have community like this. I see their loneliness and it breaks my heart.

My mission is to ensure that founders don’t feel alone on the journey: that they feel supported, both internally and externally.

If you’re a founder reading this, I want to hear from you:

❤️ What are the biggest challenges you face when it comes to building community?

❤️ What kind of content would support you on your journey that isn’t out there yet?

❤️ What would you want from your ideal tribe?

Please reply to this e-mail with any and all thoughts :)

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Tracy Lawrence


I help entrepreneurs and leaders find simplicity and joy at work through mindful, emotional intelligence, and culture hacks. Use techniques I've trained top CEOs to do in the amount of time it takes to order a coffee ⭐️ Exited Founder turned Executive Coach 📈 Raised $40M and managed 100s of employees 🧘‍♀️

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